How to get your ex back

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There are literally thousands of couples across the world who have broken up with their perfect partners (for them) due to very simple misunderstandings. It's sad to think that many of these break-ups could have been completely avoided if each person just had a clearer understanding of what their partner was thinking and what they wanted from the relationship.

Unfortunately, because men and women are biologically so different to each other, there are specific things we each do that can easily drive a partner away rather than keeping them close, as we'd intended. Of course you may be hurting. You might even be completely bewildered as to why your relationship has ended at all. But the reality is that good relationships break up all the time … needlessly.  

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This book will explain some very simple tactics that can give your ex a completely different view of the person you are and get him or her to fall in love with you all over again. Are you ready to bring your ex back into your life again? Are you really ready for them to fall in love with you, deeper and stronger than the first time around? Then let's get into the good stuff…

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22 pages
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How to get your ex back

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